7 research outputs found

    Teacher Performance Assessed From Leadership Quality, Work Expense, Communication and Competency (Study at the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation)

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    This research took place at the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. This type of research is a quality or correlational relationship which will explain the asymmetrical relationship between the variables studied. The research sample was 74 teachers of the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. Collecting data using questionnaires, interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique used multiple regression test, F test, t test, and determination test (R2). The results showed: 1) There is an effect of leadership quality, workload, communication and teacher competence together on the teacher performance of the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. Thus, the better the quality of leadership, workload, communication and teacher competence, the better the performance of teachers at the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. 2) There is an effect of leadership quality on teacher performance. Thus, the better the quality of leadership, the higher the performance of teachers at the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. 3) There is an effect of workload on teacher performance. Thus, the better the level of workload, the higher the performance of teachers at the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. 4) There is an effect of communication on teacher performance. Thus, the better the level of communication, the higher the performance of teachers at the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. 5) There is an effect of competence on teacher performance. Thus, the better the level of competence, the higher the performance of teachers at the Surakarta Batik Education Foundation. Keywords: leadership quality, workload, communication, competence, and teacher performance

    Pelatihan Penilaian Autentik Bagi Guru-Guru SD Muhammadiyah 3 Parakan, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, Banten

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    AUTHENTIC ASSESSMENT TRAINING FOR TEACHERS OF SD MUHAMMADIYAH 3 PARAKAN, PAMULANG, TANGERANG SELATAN, BANTEN. Authentic assessment is a form of assessment that is highly emphasized in the 2013 Curriculum because it has a significant impact on student learning outcomes in the realm of attitudes, skills, and knowledge. This training activity aims to improve the professional competence of teachers of SD Muhammadiyah 3 Parakan, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan, Banten in making authentic assessment instrumen s. This training is conducted in three sessions, namely exploration, elaboration, and confirmation sessions. The exploration session begins with the submission of various questions via google form related to the training participants' understanding of authentic assessment. In the elaboration session, the training participants were given an explanation of the various characteristics of authentic assessment along with examples of authentic assessment models that can be applied in evaluating learning outcomes. At the confirmation stage, the trainees are asked to make authentic assessment instruments related to the subjects they are teaching. This training is able to improve the professional competence of the teachers of SD Muhammadiyah 3 Parakan, Pamulang, South Tangerang in making authentic assessment instruments. The initial average ability of the teachers was 63. After participating in the training activities, the average ability of the teachers increased to 81

    Transformational Leadership in Human Resources Development to Improve Education Quality in Min 9 Blitar and Mi Wakhid Hasyim Blitar

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    Transformational leadership is an effort to improve the quality of educational institutions. Transformational leadership is an effort to move educational organizations / institutions to achieve educational goals with all transformational attributes. These attributes are packaged in the form; efforts to establish a vision-mission or set the direction of the school, efforts to develop human resources (HR), and transformational leadership efforts in redesigning the organization. This phenomenon raises an idea in the form of transformational leadership in improving the quality of education with all its attributes. This research uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multi-case design. The results showed that transformational leadership in developing human resources was carried out by increasing the level of higher education, workshop activities, training and competency improvement training, religious motivation, performance appraisal, fingerprinting, good examples, external tutors, adding authority and position

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Blended Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kapabilitas Keterampilan Dasar Kepramukaan Mahasiswa Tunanetra

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    Atas dasar potensi yang masih dimungkinkan untuk dioptimalisasikan pengembangan kapabilitas mahasiswa tunanetra, maka perlu ada upaya inovatif dalam pembelajaran untuk memberikan kesempatan yang lebih luas kepada mahasiswa tunanetra lebih aktif. Terutama untuk mengembangkan inisiatif dan kreatifitasnya melalui berbagai aktifitas belajar yang memanfaatkan potensi non-visual yang dimungkinkan, diantaranya lewat implementasi model pembelajaran blended yang berbasis pada optimalisasi indera pendengaran, perabaan, pembau, perasa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menguji efektivitas penerapan pembelajaran model blended untuk mahasiswa tunanetra pada kegiatan Diklat Keterampilan Dasar Kepramukaan yang diselenggarakan secara rutin setiap tahun oleh Prodi PLB FIP UM. Untuk mencapai maksud tersebut, Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah desain penelitian eksperimen Single Subject Research (SSR). Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kadar pembelajaran Keterampilan Dasar Kepramukaan model blended yang dirancang pada peserta didik tunanetra, menunjukkan hasil yang sangat positif untuk meningkatkan kapabilitasnya. Implikasinya, hasil penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan para pengambil kebijakan dan para pemangku kepentingan untuk direkomendasikan sebagai opsi inovasi dalam pembelajaran anak tunanetra untuk bidang lainnya